Common Foundation Problems in Katy 01

Below are partial images of emails from Katy homeowners that illustrate the most Common Foundation Problems in Katy. We have added our comments where we thought it might be beneficial. The point we wish to make is that many homeowners in your area are experiencing foundation issues.

Seeing new cracks is a common complaint from homeowners.  It is always best to address foundation issues early rather than later because they never get better on their own.

Sticking doors is an early warning sign of foundation movement. It would be a good idea to call us for a FREE foundation inspection.

Those loud popping noises are the result of the soil moving your foundation and producing cracks. The noise could also come from the stresses placed on other parts of the house, such as the rafters and joists in the attic.

We would recommend that this homeowner call his insurance company first.  If any house or foundation damage is covered by the insurance then it is best to follow their lead.

Unfortunately this homeowner’s siding is being damaged – a sure warning sign of foundation damage and movement.

Wall Cracks will widen as they move or rotate to the upper roof.

Two story houses often have large cracks in the second story (rotational movement) when foundation movement is present. A small crack at the foundation level will work up to the second story and appear as a very large crack.

It is very satisfying to receive referrals from industry professionals.  They recognize our hard work, customer service, and our dedication to offering the Highest Quality Foundation Repair in Texas – Bell Bottom Piers.

House Foundation Cracks and Plumbing Issues in Katy, Texas.

This Katy house is displaying textbook examples of warning signs of foundation damage.  The homeowner should request a free foundation inspection from Dawson.

Home Foundation Cracks and Plumbing Issues in Katy, Texas.

The recent heavy rains followed by a hot, dry summer have created significant movement in the clay soils – dramatic expansion and shrinking in volume.  This soil movement will crack slab foundations and damage under slab plumbing.

Foundation Cracks and Plumbing Issues in Katy, Texas.

This Katy home is ONLY 5 years old and showing significant signs of foundation damage.  Our suggestion is to talk to the home builder about their 10 year warranty and what it does and does not cover. And document every conversation.

Foundation Cracks and Plumbing Problems in Katy, Texas.

There are plenty of house cracks to warranty a complete foundation inspection with elevation readings.  Cracks such as these are very common with a 20 year Minimally Functional Foundation.

Home Foundation Cracks and Plumbing Problems in Katy, Texas.

These are common foundation problems in Katy, Texas.  We would be happy to offer a Free foundation inspection.

House Foundation Cracks and Plumbing Problems in Katy, Texas.

Settlement “all around the house” will require Permanent support structures (Bell Bottom Piers) around the perimeter of the house.

Foundation Crack Repair and Plumbing Problems in Katy, Texas.

This is a 6 year old house and it is showing warning signs of foundation damage.  Unfortunately most slab foundations built in Katy are Minimally Functional Foundations.  We recommend contacting the home builder about their 10 warranty.  The homeowner may want to obtain some legal advice also.

Home Foundation Crack Repair and Plumbing Problems in Katy, Texas.

This house in Katy should have a Free Foundation Inspection with elevation readings.

House Foundation Crack Repair and Plumbing Problems in Katy, Texas.

Home Buyers should know the condition of the home’s foundation and if any work was done previously.

Home Foundation Cracks and Plumbing Issues in Katy, Texas.

Wow, a referral from another Foundation Company.  What a nice compliment.  Yes, we offer the Highest Quality Foundation Repair method in the state of Texas.

Common Foundation Problems and Plumbing Issues in Katy, Texas.

The water leak is of concern.  However, any foundation work should be done BEFORE any plumbing repairs.

Common Home Foundation Problems and Plumbing Issues in Katy, Texas.

This foundation problem indicates tremendous stress is being applied to the slab foundation by the clay soils underneath.

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