
Sometimes pushed piles skew off at an angle and therefore can support little weight.

Are Pushed Piles Vertical?

The Competition Hopes They are Vertical Hoping for a good outcome is not a good foundation repair strategy. Unlike our competitors, our repair method (Bell Bottom Piers) is not based on hope but rather certainty. What are we talking about? Our competitors use hydraulic jacks to push concrete cylinders into the ground. The problem is […]

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13x Greater Support

13x Greater Support with Bell Bottom Piers Support, support, support.  That’s what it is all about.  The clay soils under your home’s slab foundation have moved, shifted, swollen, shrunk, or some combination of these events.  In short, the dirt under your foundation is not providing the proper or necessary support and if that is the

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Bell Bottom Piers are the Highest Quality Foundation Repair Method available in Texas

Foundation Support for Dummies

Foundation Support for Dummies (and Concrete Slabs) Can you imagine an elephant walking around on skinny legs and “insy-tinsy” feet? Do you think that would work well? Probably not because elephants weigh tons. They need large, strong legs and large, flat feet to give their bodies the necessary support. It’s really just simple physics. So

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Comparison of the surface area of a Bell Bottom Pier and a common concrete cylinder.

Why we Like Bell Bottom Piers

We Like Bell Bottom Piers The reason we like Bell Bottom Piers is simple – they are better than any other option. Yes, they are more expensive and require a longer installation time. But we are talking about your home and most people would prefer the best option even if it costs a little more. 

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foundation repair; foundation repair houston; foundation repair dallas; foundation repair austin;

Rain and your Concrete Foundation

Rain and your Concrete Foundation Now that Texas has experienced two very hot any dry summer seasons in the last three years (2011 and 2013), What happens when the region begins to receive rain? Answer: Movement. The concrete slab foundation under your home is going to move – maybe a little, maybe more than a

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