Retaining Walls and Your Home’s Foundation

Did you know that there can be a connection between your home’s foundation and its retaining walls? Most homeowners think of retaining walls as purely ornamental designs to complement sloping landscapes, add terracing, or for creating garden beds. However, there can be much more to a retaining wall than just those reasons.

What Is a Retaining Wall?

A retaining wall, when done properly, is a uniquely crafted system for preventing the movement of soil and controlling water flow. Soil that would otherwise drain off in rain or blow away over time when dry, can be better protected with the addition of a retaining wall. A retaining wall doesn’t have to be an eyesore, and in fact, it can become a part of a beautifully landscaped yard, but it can do more than that, too.

How Can a Retaining Wall Benefit My Foundation?

Because your home’s foundation is affected by the soil underneath it, protecting your soil is an important part of foundation maintenance. When the soil under your home shifts, shrinks, swells, or erodes, your foundation can be put at risk. A retaining wall can help move flowing water appropriately, and therefore reduce the risk of soil erosion around your foundation. This added protection for your home’s foundation is a significantly less expensive option for prevention than doing nothing and facing a foundation repair at a later date.

How Do I Know If I Need a Retaining Wall?

Before you put in a retaining wall on your property, it is best to have a land survey done or seek professional input. Because they control the flow of water and prevent soil erosion, retaining walls can affect other areas of your home or even your neighbor’s home by moving water away from portions of the landscape that previously received water. Professionals who can properly address the impact of water flow changes can help you avoid unexpected problems. In addition, improperly constructed retaining walls will not offer the same benefits, so it’s important to seek the input of professionals who can suggest materials and suitable designs for your particular situation.

Retaining walls may not work in every area, but they may be a good option in some geographic locations. Consider the connection between your home and a retaining wall if you live in more sloping, uneven terrain, or are prone to soil erosion in your area.

Call us today for a free inspection and assessment of your home’s foundation needs. Bell Bottom Piers are the Highest Quality foundation repair method available to homeowners in Texas.

2 thoughts on “Retaining Walls and Your Home’s Foundation”

  1. Retaining Walls Omaha


    Thanks for sharing the information. Keep it up.


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